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Resume Tips for freshers

As a fresher, writing a resume can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you create an effective one:

  1. Begin with a clear and concise objective: Start your resume with a brief objective that summarizes your career goals and the type of position you are seeking. This will give the employer an idea of what you are looking for and how you can add value to their organization.
  2. Highlight your education: Since you are a fresher, your education will be the most important section of your resume. Include details of your degree or diploma, the name of the institution, the year of graduation, and your academic achievements.
  3. Emphasize your skills: While you may not have much work experience, you may have developed skills through coursework, projects, internships, or volunteer work. List your relevant skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and technical skills.
  4. Include relevant experience: If you have any relevant work experience, include it in your resume. This could be an internship, part-time job, or volunteer work that is related to the position you are applying for.
  5. Personalize your resume: Customize your resume to the job description and the company you are applying to. This shows that you have taken the time to understand the company’s needs and how your skills and experience can benefit them.
  6. Proofread and edit: Make sure to proofread your resume for any spelling or grammatical errors. Ask a friend or mentor to review your resume and provide feedback.

By following these tips, you can create a strong resume that showcases your skills and qualifications as a fresher.

How to Answer – Why should We Hire You?

When answering the question, “Why should we hire you?” during a job interview, it’s important to focus on your skills, experience, and achievements that align with the job requirements and demonstrate your value to the company. Here are some tips on how to answer this question:

  1. Highlight your relevant skills: Review the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications required for the position. Then, highlight your relevant skills and experience that demonstrate your ability to perform the job duties.
  2. Show your enthusiasm: Demonstrate your passion and interest in the company and the role. Explain why you are excited about the opportunity and how you believe you can make a positive impact on the company.
  3. Share your achievements: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments that are relevant to the job. Discuss how your achievements can contribute to the company’s goals and objectives.
  4. Be confident but humble: While it’s important to showcase your skills and experience, it’s also important to be humble and acknowledge that you still have room for growth and development. Express your willingness to learn and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

An example of a good answer to this question could be:

“I believe I am the best fit for this role because I have the relevant skills and experience needed to excel in this position. My previous work experience in [relevant field] has given me the opportunity to develop my skills in [specific skills mentioned in job description]. Additionally, I am extremely passionate about the company’s mission and values, and I am eager to contribute to its success. In my previous role, I was able to achieve [specific achievement] by implementing [specific strategy or skill]. I believe that my experience and achievements can make a positive impact on the company, and I am excited about the opportunity to work with such a talented team.”

Common Interview Questions by HR

Here are some common HR questions that may be asked during a job interview:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why are you interested in this position?
  3. What are your greatest strengths?
  4. What are your areas for development?
  5. Can you provide an example of a difficult situation you faced in a previous job and how you overcame it?
  6. What motivates you?
  7. Why should we hire you?
  8. Can you describe your experience working in a team?
  9. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in the workplace?
  10. What are your long-term career goals?
  11. Can you describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult coworker or manager?
  12. Can you tell me about a time when you had to solve a problem on your own?
  13. How do you handle pressure and tight deadlines?
  14. Can you tell me about a time when you received constructive feedback and how you responded to it?
  15. Can you describe your experience with [specific skill or software relevant to the job]?

It’s important to note that the questions may vary depending on the company and the job position. It’s always a good idea to do some research on the company and job description beforehand to prepare for potential questions.

Career Objective Samples

“To obtain a position in the marketing industry where I can utilize my creative skills and experience to develop effective marketing campaigns that will help increase brand awareness and drive sales.”

“To secure a challenging role in a reputable organization where I can apply my analytical skills and experience to improve operational efficiency and drive business growth.”

“To obtain a position as a software engineer where I can leverage my technical skills and experience to develop innovative software solutions that meet customer needs and exceed expectations.”

“To pursue a career in the healthcare industry where I can use my communication and interpersonal skills to provide quality patient care and make a positive impact on people’s lives.”

“To secure a position as a human resources manager where I can use my expertise in recruitment, employee development, and retention to create a positive work culture and drive organizational success.”

How to write Career Objective

When writing the objective statement in your CV, you should aim to convey your career goals and aspirations in a clear and concise manner. Here are some tips on how to write an effective objective statement:

Keep it concise: Your objective statement should be brief and to the point, ideally one or two sentences.

Highlight your career goals: State the type of position you are seeking and the goals you hope to achieve in that role.

Tailor it to the job: Customize your objective statement to match the specific job you are applying for. Make sure your objectives align with the requirements of the job.

Be specific: Use concrete language and specific examples to demonstrate your skills and qualifications.

Avoid generic statements: Avoid using generic statements that could apply to anyone. Instead, highlight your unique skills and strengths.

Example of an objective statement:

“Objective”: To obtain a challenging position in the field of marketing that allows me to utilize my strong communication and analytical skills, while continuing to learn and grow in a dynamic team environment.”

Covering Letter 4

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. As a highly motivated and skilled [Your Profession] with [Number of Years] years of experience in [Relevant Field], I believe that I have the necessary qualifications and expertise to excel in this role.

Throughout my career, I have developed a range of skills and abilities that would make me an asset to your team. In particular, my expertise in [Skill/Keyword 1], [Skill/Keyword 2], and [Skill/Keyword 3] make me an excellent fit for this position. I have a proven track record of [Achievement/Keyword 1], [Achievement/Keyword 2], and [Achievement/Keyword 3], which demonstrate my ability to deliver results and drive success.

I am confident that my experience and qualifications align with the requirements of this role, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your organization’s success.

I am also committed to ongoing professional development and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.


[Your Name]

Job Follow Up E Mail

When writing a follow-up email for a job application, it is important to be professional, courteous, and concise.

Here is a basic outline that you can follow:

Subject: Following up on my job application

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my recent job application for the [position name] role at [company name]. I am very excited about the opportunity to work with such a great company and I wanted to inquire if there has been any update on my application.

I am still very interested in the position and would love the chance to discuss my qualifications and experience in further detail. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide or if there are any next steps in the hiring process.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Remember to customize your email for the specific company and position you are applying for. Also, be patient and wait a few days or a week before following up as the hiring process can take some time. Good luck with your job search!

Covering Letter 3

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the [Position] role at [Company]. As a [Keyword 1] and [Keyword 2] professional with [Number of Years] years of experience in [Industry/Field], I believe I would make a valuable addition to your team.

My experience includes [List some of your relevant experiences/achievements in the field, highlighting your skills and knowledge]. I have a strong track record of [Keyword 3], [Keyword 4], and [Keyword 5], which I believe would be particularly valuable in this role.

In my current position at [Current Company], I have honed my skills in [Keyword 6] and [Keyword 7], which I believe would enable me to make an immediate contribution to your team. Additionally, I am [Keyword 8], [Keyword 9], and [Keyword 10], which are all essential traits for success in this role.

I am impressed by [Company’s name] reputation as an industry leader and am particularly drawn to your commitment to [Keyword 11] and [Keyword 12]. I would be honored to contribute to this mission and help [Company’s name] achieve its goals.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further.


[Your Name]

Covering Letter 2

Dear [Hiring Manager],

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Board/Website].

With [Number of Years] years of experience in [Industry/Field], I am confident that my skills and expertise align perfectly with the requirements of this role.

As you can see from my attached resume, I have a strong background in [Keyword 1], [Keyword 2], and [Keyword 3]. In my current role as [Current Position] at [Current Company], I have consistently delivered results by leveraging my experience in [Keyword 4] and [Keyword 5].I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of its reputation as a leader in [Industry/Field]. I am excited about the opportunity to work with a team of talented professionals who share my passion for [Keyword 6] and [Keyword 7]. I

n addition, I am eager to learn more about [Keyword 8] and how [Company Name] is innovating in this area. I believe my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for this position, and I am eager to contribute my expertise to [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.


[Your Name]

Covering Letter

Dear [Hiring Manager],I am writing to apply for the [Position] role that has recently become available at [Company]. As a highly motivated and skilled [Previous Position], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to your team.

My experience in [Keyword 1], [Keyword 2], and [Keyword 3] has provided me with a strong foundation to excel in this role. I have [Achievement 1] and [Achievement 2] while working in my previous position, and I am confident that I can use these skills to make a positive impact on your organization.

In addition to my technical skills, I possess excellent [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3], which will enable me to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and provide high-quality work in a timely manner. I am also a quick learner and am always eager to expand my knowledge and skills in new areas.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of [Company] and am eager to further discuss my qualifications with you. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Your Name]